Research ======== The Quantamatics platform includes a cloud-hosted data research environment with customized Jupyter notebooks, and data enhancement and normalization packages. ---- Features -------- .. rubric:: Juypter Notebooks Jupyter notebooks is a central component of the Research environment, where Python notebooks are used to interact with the Quantamatics API and alternative and fundamental data sets to perform data analysis, advanced forecast modeling and build visual applications. .. rubric:: Create API The :doc:`Create API <./create_api>` feature converts a function defined in a Python notebook into a function asset, which can then be used in the :doc:`Quantamatics Excel plug-in <../excel_plugin/index>`. The function asset can also be enabled for other users in the organization. See the :doc:`User Administration <../user_admin>` section for instructions on enabling assets. .. rubric:: File System A file system is the primary interface for accessing Facteus supplied notebooks and related content, and creating, storing, organizing and sharing user-defined content. Options available: - Open - click a file to open in the native editor, or a folder to open the contents - New - create a new folder, Python notebook or text file - Upload - upload a new file - Download - download a file for offline use - Edit - open a text or Python notebook file in the text editor - View - display the contents of a text file or open a Python notebook in the native editor - Move - move files and folders to another folder - Delete - delete a file or folder - Copy - make a copy of a file - Shutdown - shutdown a Python notebook - Restart Server - restart the server pod when needed, to resolve an issue or enable a new feature or asset | The Research environment uses server pods to manage notebook execution for each user. Periodically, a user's server pod is restarted upon sign in. When this occurs, a server restart progress message displays after signing in and selecting Research on the menu. When the restart is complete, the file system interface displays. A "Launch Server" button may display instead of the server restart progress message. When this occurs, click the button and the server will start, and then the file system interface displays. .. toctree :: :hidden: create_api